Sunday, 1 January 2012

2012 hello January...

I find the changing of the year a nostalgic time and think back on events and experiences from the past...all good memories . 
and it's the creating of more memories that will occupy my thoughts in the coming weeks.
So..will start the new year off with a mix of pics that depicts places visited showing some of the more beautiful places in Australia as seen through my camera lens...we are all indeed fortunate to live in such a wonderful place

Hazel Douglas at Scommazons, Miallo.

Master Alex Haginikita's big day out.

That re minds me of a photo I took a few years ago of a squad of SES people on a rescue exercise, dont get me wrong, I know they do an important job but...the look of these guys made me think that if I was lost in the rainforest and had this crew was searching for  me I would crawl deeper into the forest...

and that takes me to an interest I have had for a while ..a fascination with pedal and sail powered rail bikes and trolleys.

and so my friends, you see...2012 has started out well

it's been a dry, hot and humid January. This time last year Queensland was experiencing flooding in the south east and cyclone Yasi in the far north. The summer storms returned last night...temperatures are down...the humidity bearable..the time for renewal has arrived.

leaf it be...

and in the meantime..just to keep things on track

poor man working for the rich man

precursor drive by will never catch on 

runs on methanol...

short people got nobody...short people got looooooooove...

when the Mounties stopped catching their man and concentrated on women instead

love this pic

stop the car...someone has dropped a McDonalds wrapper


advanced model

engineer on drugs

early Hummer

every caravan park should have one of these

believe it or not...this is an ambulance

clear the line, clear the line

surveyor on Hashish?

the Prussians doing it in style...stern style

off to the Sugar Shack

just purchased a new battery powered pole pruner...reminded me of days of yore..

come on..sing along

the genius of Harry Nillson hold on...

Sydney Sojourn..

the crispness of the morning air of the NSW highlands
the memories and scents of my childhood...pine,wattle,honeysuckle, dill
the sounds of birds like currawongs,fairy wrens,correlas,finches.magpies and parrots
the feeling of disapointment when the light is all wrong and the elation when it suddenly comes good
a random thought provoking message draw on a bridge plank to inspire someone..
the taste of blackberry straight from the bush..
a fleeing rabbit..
the ruins left behind by our forefathers who could never have imagined that one day in the distant future someone sees magic in the buildings they worked so hard in, we have a lot to be thankfull for


Matriarch of the Van Veluwen family in Australia.

A small family of four Dutch immigrants arriving in this country in 1956.
The family now numbers 35 and growing.
Had the pleasure of doing a portrait for her...I like this one because it portrays a life well lived with wisdom accumulated and tempered with a sense of humour.

Father now is in the care of wonderful nursing staff and is as comfortable as he can be. The respite has had a good impact on Mothers health and her ability to live a long fulfilling life.

A chance to spend a little time with my father.

The bus stop to no where.

Talking about fathers...

meanwhile....back at the workshop..still trying to get inspiration through someone's imagination..

The Classic shape sure looks great....

or perhaps a more sportier model would be better..

I like the next one as a basic design within the scope of my tools and resources...a few modifications like web seats and raised front pedal...and a coat of paint ofcourse

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