Welcome to my little corner of the Internet.
Here you will find the musings and rantings of a Tree Hugger with attitude who dabbles in Three Dimensional Photography. I consider myself to be an Ambassador for the World Heritage listed Wet Tropical Rainforests of Far North Queensland , Australia.
I am a retired Rainforest Ecology Interpretation guide who used to love showing visitors from all over the World our unique Rainforest Habitats and explaining Rainforest Ecology in a way they can both understand and Appreciate. To those people who have been out with me, I welcome you back. To those people who have not...tarry a while on these pages...let me share with you the Images of Gondwanaland and my Passion for our unique Wilderness habitats.
A chance for people to see Australia in both two dimensional and three dimensional images.
Hans Van Veluwen January 2009
Bravo Hans! Keep up the good work!